Ankorstore /  Relaxation & Spa /  ALGOVITAL- COSMETIC PROVENCE /  Huile Essentielle de Ravintsara Bio
Huile Essentielle de Ravintsara Bio

Organic RAVINTSARA Essential Oil

The ravintsara is a beautiful tree of about twenty meters. We find the essential oil in its oval and green leaves. Its name comes from "Ravina" which means "leaf" and "Tsara" which means "good". Originally, it was a cinnamon tree from Japan which was imported by navigators several centuries ago. He adapted, he evolved and developed his own identity card. Packaging: 10ml. Qualities : ✓ From Certified Organic Farming ✓ HEBBD Essential Oil Botanically and Biochemically Defined ✓ 100% natural: not denatured by synthetic components, nor by oils or mineral spirits ✓ 100% pure: not cut with other essential oils, fatty oils or alcohols ✓ 100% total: not bleached, not peroxidized, not deterpenated and not rectified General composition: Each essential oil has a natural chemical composition characterizing it. Majority Monoterpene Oxides (1.8 cineol from 50 to 73%), Monoterpenes (about 18%), Monoterpenols (5%). EN-BIO-01 Usage tips : 2 to 3 drops (0.09 ml) per day on a sugar or a neutral support or with a tablespoon of honey or vegetable oil. Status : Dietary supplement. Precautions for use: - Keep out of reach of children. - Not recommended during pregnancy, breastfeeding and for children under 6 years old. - Store away from light and heat in a cool, dry place. - This essential oil can cause skin allergy if applied to the skin. - Do not use pure. - Do not diffuse more than 20 minutes per day. - Never exceed the recommended dosage. - Ask your doctor and/or pharmacist for advice. - No prolonged use without medical advice. - This dietary supplement should be used as part of a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.


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