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Ayuna Tea

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  • Since 2021
  • Distribution
Instagram ayunatea
The five of us came together through a large circle of friends that stretches as far as India. To our friend and co-founder Sidhanth, who was studying in Barcelona and Berlin, where we met him.

After completing his studies, Sidhanth traveled through India for several weeks and, after a few stops, arrived in the Himalayas. There he also visited the famous tea gardens and rediscovered his love for tea.

At the tea garden he met Bodhi, who worked in the tea garden. Sidhanth immediately felt the calm and relaxed atmosphere and was overwhelmed by the positive atmosphere that spread across the entire tea garden and was noticeable to everyone.

Bodhi said that at work he always makes sure that all employees get together once a day and drink tea. Today the most important ritual of all employees in the tea garden.

Enthusiastic and at the same time inspired, he shared his experience with us in Hamburg.

Since Sidhanth has dealt more with the topic of tea, we also know a lot more about tea. So much that we took a closer look at what's in many teas.

Since the result did not convince us, we decided to purchase tea ourselves. And without any intermediaries. Completely without pesticides. But produced ethically fair. So that we can enjoy the important breaks with a good feeling and without a guilty conscience.

And so we have made it our new task today to do good and have a positive influence on our fellow human beings. Our friends and family, but also suppliers and, above all, employees in India.

After all, change starts with ourselves, perhaps over a cup of tea.
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