Ankorstore /  Cooking & Baking /  Emma Thee /  Originele Japanse Matcha Kom Kuro
Originele Japanse Matcha Kom Kuro
Emma Thee

Original Japanese Matcha Bowl Kuro

With this original Japanese matcha bowl you can prepare a delicious matcha tea. This bowl is a bit smaller than the other matcha bowls, but still spacious enough to whisk the tea until foamy. There is also a white version ( of this bowl. You make matcha tea in a different way than regular teas. It seems a bit difficult at first, but the more often you make this tea, the easier it goes and the more you can appreciate the taste. Preparing matcha tea: Necessities: Matcha bowl matcha tea Matcha bamboo spoon Matcha beater Kettle “You can make it a soothing ritual for yourself” Boil water with a kettle to 100 degrees. Then let the water cool down to 70/80 degrees. You can do this with the help of a suitable thermometer, add some cold water to the boiling water or you can do it by feel. Spoon a spoonful of matcha tea into your bowl and stir the powder with a whisk. Pour the water into the bowl (about 70 ml) and start beating. A nice foam layer is created, the matcha tea is ready to be drunk. What exactly is matcha? Matcha tea is made from whole tea leaves that are finely ground into powder form. With regular tea we also use the real tea leaves, only let this steep in the water and then we throw the tea away. With matcha you drink the entire tea leaf, so you retain all the healthy nutrients.