Ankorstore /  Tea, Coffee & Hot drinks /  La Guashira Specialty Coffee /  Café Creammel 1 kg / En grano
Café Creammel 1 kg / En grano
La Guashira Specialty Coffee

Creammel Coffee 1 kg / Beans

Taste its fruity notes of tangerine, sweet orange or white grape. Medium acidity, offset by the characteristic sweetness of Honey process coffees. It is obtained through double fermentation: a previous 30-hour anaerobic fermentation in cherry, and another 20-hour tank after being pulped, preserving the mucilage or honey. Process: Honey Variety: Cenicafe 1, Supreme Cultivation height: 1,800 meters above sea level Origin: Finca Las Acacias, Guatica, Risaralda