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Laboratoire Altho

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Minimum order €100

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  • Since 2012
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It is in the heart of Gascony, in the Gers countryside that our Laboratory was born.
Passionate about the plant world and its wealth, we rigorously select our raw materials to offer a range of 100% natural products of very high quality with respect for nature and the well-being of everyone.

Our Laboratory: “When health rhymes with simplicity”
By far the most precious asset we have is our health, our balance between physical and mental.

In order to preserve, maintain or improve this capital, our laboratory has developed a range of natural products through which we hope to provide an answer to your expectations.

Nature by its diversity, its creativity and its improvement remains the most efficient of all laboratories.

Plants have always been a source of active ingredients that man has been able to use for therapeutic purposes.

Extracted from a plant by steam distillation, dry distillation or cold expression, the essential oil is made up of a wide range of biochemical molecules that characterize it.

Due to its multiple chemical components, each essential oil has its own biological actions on the body, and has different therapeutic effects.

In order to better control their therapeutic sense, the essential oils we offer are all 100% pure and natural, and their botanical and chemical identities (chemotype) are clearly defined.

Our professional ethics, based on a deep respect for Nature and Man, naturally led us to work with certified organic products.
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