Ankorstore /  Mellow Roses Lights

Mellow Roses Lights

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  • Since 2023
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Colorful eye-catchers that put a smile on your face and create a cozy atmosphere with their glow: The candle manufacturer Mellow Roses Lights transforms boring, white candles into stylish highlights that make every home even more beautiful.
Each candle is handcrafted and unique. 

When the candles emerge from the hot wax, colorful and a little different each time, I am completely in love. Maybe you feel the same way when you see my candles.
I design and produce the candles in small series in Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, not far from Munich. 

The candles should bring joy to you and your customers. For me, open and close cooperation is just as important as the quality of my products.
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