Ankorstore /  Tea, Coffee & Hot drinks /  Nophathe /  1kg d'hibiscus bio , bissap ou karkadé concassétrés fin .hiver comme été
1kg d'hibiscus  bio , bissap ou karkadé concassétrés fin .hiver comme été

1 kg of organic hibiscus, bissap or karkadé crushed end .winter as summer

♥ Commitments and Ethics of our Partners: Hibiscus is a genus of annual or perennial flowering plants that has several hundred species. Hibiscus is part of the Malvaceae family. hibiscus bissap is the drink prepared from the calyx of the flowers of this red flowering hibiscus. ♥ Ingredient: Hibiscus leaf * in bulk from organic farming. ♥ Effects and Contributions: - Elimination of toxins: the hibiscus plant rich in antioxidants promotes the elimination of toxins. - Effective against digestive disorders and constipation: this drink helps transit and cleans the digestive system - Energizing sensation: tropical hibiscus, a red plant that gives the effect of an energizing sensation. - Promotes weight loss: thanks to its diuretic properties, among its benefits, hibiscus helps reduce edema and improve blood circulation. It is the flower that is used to prepare bissap or cacardé, the "star" drink of West Africa. To prepare the bissap, we infuse (preferably overnight in cold water) the hibiscus flower, then we drink the fresh and very sweet decoction. Here are some good reasons, in addition to its taste properties, to buy hibiscus (carcade). This flower has many health benefits. Consult our article to know all [the virtues of bissap for health. The bissap juice obtained after infusion of hibiscus flowers has a high content of calcium, vitamin C, niacin, riboflavin and iron. Bissap has diuretic and febrifuge properties and is excellent for helping to fight hypertension, especially in combination with valerian officinalis. It thins the blood and reduces the effects of alcohol on the system, so it is a perfect drink to fight hangovers, especially in combination with artichoke leaves It is a drink rich in ascorbic acids (hence its tangy taste) and it has diuretic, sedative and hypotensive, even laxative properties. It may be interesting to associate it with organic linden for this use or with cornflower flowers. ♥ Culture and Origin: The hibiscus originated in Africa whose cultivation would have started first in Egypt and in South East Asia. Of course, it is found in cultivation in countries of West and Central Africa, etc. ♥ Mode of Consumption: Hibiscus bissap is the drink prepared from the calyx of the flowers of this red flowering hibiscus. - Infusion - Decoction - cosmetics - Vegetables (sorrel leaf) - Mix to flavor other drinks, cocktails ♥ Preparation advice 13 - 18 g/l or 2g(2cc) for 250ml 5 - 10 mins 100°C