Ankorstore /  Soft drinks /  EauBouLeau /  Sève de bouleau bio française à l’infusion de framboise 33cL
Sève de bouleau bio française à l’infusion de framboise 33cL

French organic birch sap with raspberry infusion 33cL

100% natural and plant-based, EauBouLeau birch sap with fresh raspberry infusion is ideal for combining pleasure and well-being. Light and with a subtle raspberry taste, it accompanies a lunch break, a snack, an aperitif or even a breakfast. Drinking EauBouLeau is consuming a beneficial product for the body while reconnecting with nature. It also means helping us to maintain the diversity of French forests. Enjoy the benefits of nature at any time of the day! Organic Without additives French birch sap, harvested by hand directly from the tree