Ankorstore /  Charms & Pendants /  Insight Stones /  Weegschaal - Rozenkwarts EDELSTEEN
Weegschaal - Rozenkwarts EDELSTEEN
Insight Stones

Libra - Rose Quartz GEMSTONE

Insight Stones has joined forces with Just JIP. Together we came to a collection of gemstones linked to the twelve star signs. Each stone is appropriate to the relevant constellation and brings out the best in the sign. A super nice gift for a birthday or birth. The stone comes in a nice black box with a card in it on which   the poem stands for the constellation and the explanation of the stone. All the paper that is used has the sustainable FSC mark. For example, carry the stone in your left pocket, on the left is your receiving side. A social Libra can sometimes be a bit indecisive and finds harmony and balance most important. The Rose Quartz gemstone helps to make loving decisions and stand up for themselves come.