Keto Bundle
Love Life Supplements

Keto Bundle

PURE C8 MCT OIL + PEPTIPLUS® COLLAGEN + MAGNESIUM BISGLYCINATE - 15% OFF FROM BUYING SEPARATELY! Perfect for those following a ketogenic diet! PEPTIPLUS® COLLAGEN + VITAMIN C We are proud to introduce our PEPTIPLUS® Hydrolysed Collagen Protein combined with Vitamin C. Collagen is the body's most important building block and it makes up approx. 30% of the proteins in our bodies. Collagen is the key structural protein that ensures cohesion, elasticity and regeneration of all our connective tissues, including skin, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and bones. PEPTIPLUS® Collagen contains type 1 collagen peptides. This means they are identical to the collagen found in human bones and skin. Primal Collagen is a high-purity, natural bioactive product, containing more than 97% protein (on a dry weight basis). PURE C8 MCT OIL Pure C8 MCT Oil comprises >99% C8 Medium Chain Triglycerides (the most beneficial form of MCT's). This type of fat is found naturally in coconut oil and is readily absorbed by the body. Medium chain triglycerides are not processed via the lymphatic system, and are instead transported directly to the liver to be broken down. Our MCT oil is metabolised in the liver to produce ketones for instant and stable energy, which is then available for muscle and brain function, ATP energy synthesis in the cells, and for thermogenesis. MAGNESIUM BISGLYCINATE This "chelated" supplement (magnesium bound with glycine, a non-essential amino acid) is one of the most bio-available and absorbable forms of magnesium, and also the least likely to induce diarrhoea and other side effects of cheaper magnesium supplements. Magnesium bisglycinate is the safest option for correcting a long-term deficiency in the body or for those with demanding training routines. Magnesium is involved in over 300 biomechanical processes in the body and is the second most common deficiency among adults today. LLS MAGNESIUM BISGLYCINATE CAN CONTRIBUTE TO: * Normal muscle function and muscle contraction including heart muscle. * Relieve muscle aches and spasms. * Normal psychological function and protein synthesis. * Calms nerves & anxiety, Treat Insomnia and help maintain sleep patterns. * Relax muscles within the digestive tract and relieve constipation. * Our 250mg Serving provides 67% of your daily Nutrient Reference Intake of Magensium.