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Myrtle & Soap DE

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...a family business founded in 2018 by two cousins, Ellie and Anastasia. We both grew up in Greece and then studied at universities in the UK and Germany. With Anastasia's academic background and Ellie's specialization in business administration and entrepreneurship, our combined skills and experience made for the perfect match for this exciting venture. Anastasia now lives in Germany where she manages our EU online shop whilst Ellie is responsible for our UK e-shop in the Cotswolds.

Our passion for natural skin care started in early 2012 with our first experiments. We instantly fell in love with the science behind each formulation and the challenges of cold process soap making. Since then we have delved into the world of botany to harness the wonderful properties of herbs and natural essential oils for our products.

In 2018 we decided to quit our jobs and pursued the creation of Myrtle & Soap, specializing in handmade, natural, vegan and eco-friendly cosmetics.

We are very fortunate to have two online shops so far, one for the UK and one for a number of European countries (at the moment Germany, Austria, Luxembourg, Belgium and Greece, we are slowly adding new countries to this list).

Myrtle & Soap is a virtual home for the two of us, where we meet every day, develop our creativity and turn ideas into reality. We want Myrtle & Soap to be a virtual home that everyone can visit, get inspired and join us on our journey to a more sustainable lifestyle.

Since we started our journey we have had the opportunity to meet and work with many other incredible women, entrepreneurs and individuals. We find it a great joy and blessing to be able to support and inspire one another, and the name Myrtle, a symbol of love, prosperity and positivity, is meant to remind us of that.

At Myrtle & Soap we're finding new ways to contribute to a healthier and more sustainable future and that's what motivates us a lot. We really appreciate the love and support we have received so far and hope to continue our journey with you.

With love,

Anastasia & Ellie
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