Ankorstore /  Savoury /  Oltresole /  RISO ARBORIO 500 g


Arborio Oltresole rice is an Italian artisanal product traditionally grown in the rice fields of the lower Ferrara area. Oltresole arborio rice is a superfine rice with a starch-rich core that remains perfectly al dente while the surface tends to flake; it also has a good ability to absorb liquid and seasoning. These characteristics make it ideal for the preparation and creaming of risottos and in general suitable for dry rice or rice salads. However, we must be careful not to overcook it because among the superfines it is the one with the lowest cooking resistance and the transition from raw to overcooked occurs particularly quickly. The advice therefore is to always leave it slightly al dente. Nutritionally speaking, arborio rice is low in fat and rich in mineral salts. Furthermore, arborio is a good source of vitamin B, has easily digestible sugars and is naturally gluten-free. The proteins contained are of high quality superior to those of other cereals, which are characteristic of rice in general and not of a single type. WINE PAIRING: Prince artisan product for your most delicious and tasty condiments, both cold and hot. Listed as one of the best risotto rice for its excellent creaming characteristics, this variety also lends itself very well to the preparation of appetizers, salads, timbales, side dishes and unique dishes. Its size, on the other hand, does not recommend its use for desserts. WELLNESS AND HEALTH: As far as nutritional principles are concerned, Arborio, as well as rice in general, contains little water and about 7% of good quality proteins that are nutritionally superior to those of wheat. It is low in fat and does not contain gluten: this makes it a virtually allergen-free cereal and also suitable for the nutrition of those who are intolerant of it. Rice sugars are small and therefore easily digestible; it is also rich in many mineral salts; has a low sodium content and is an important source of B vitamins. CURIOSITY: Originally from Piedmont, its name derives from the locality of the same name in the province of Vercelli where it was discovered by derivation from the Vialone plant and selected for the first time. starting from 1946; while today it is also cultivated in the Ferrara area: exactly where we take it from in Oltresole.

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