Telemando Jma M-BT

Remote control Jma M-BT

Jma m-bt remote control - In addition to integrating all the functionalities of the Jma remote controls in a single device, the new m-bt integrates the latest mobile technology.  Through Bluetooth, the remote connects to your mobile phone and the Jmaremotespro app, developed by Jma. -Thanks to this mobile application, the user can generate and copy remote controls very quickly, easily and intuitively. -The Jmaremotespro app is available for both iOS and Android users, and can be downloaded from the Apple Store and Google Play, respectively. -The m-bt remote control copies 95% of the fixed codes and more than 40 rolling code brands and is capable of integrating the codes of 4 different original remote controls in a single device.  This way, you will only need a single remote control to open garage doors, fences, etc. -Article also known as: garage remote control, garage opener remote control, garage remote control.