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Bracelet de lithothérapie en Malachite, Quartz Rose et Rhodochrosite
Boutique Bohème

Lithotherapy bracelet in Malachite, Rose Quartz and Rhodochrosite

Bracelet in Malachite, Quartz Rose and RhodochrositeBracelet beads in Malachite, Quartz Rose and Rhodochrosite, mounted on an elastic thread.Dimensions:Length: 18 cm (other sizes available on request)Elasticated, it adapts its size to that of your wrist! It can therefore be worn by the majority of people regardless of their morphology. Possibility of adding a charm of your choice (it measures 1.5 cm in diameter). Diameter of the beads: 6 or 8 mm. Each stone being unique, with its own characteristics, the bracelet you will receive may differ slightly from the one in the photo (darker or lighter). All my items come in an organza pouch (see photo). About the stones: Malachite: Malachite soothes most pains, whether they are of nerve, muscle or joint origin. In the case of targeted pain, you can place the stone directly on the area in question for quick relief. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it helps fight fever, headaches and painful periods. Malachite takes its anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and anti-infectious properties from its high copper content. By soothing your ailments, malachite stone accompanies you in a gentle and natural healing process. In general, it regulates blood circulation and facilitates the elimination of toxins from the body. Slightly stimulating, malachite can help you work on your endurance. As such, athletes can use this mineral to promote good muscle health, to benefit from an energy boost, but also to take advantage of its protective side. In addition, it promotes tissue regeneration and cell detoxification. Finally, its positive action on the whole body strengthens the immune system of those who wear it daily. Rose Quartz: Soothing, regulating and detoxifying, it diffuses a wave of softness on our body and in our mind. The rose quartz stone is a stone that brings peace, love and friendship. It helps those who wear it to forgive, but also to respect, both themselves and others. It accompanies people in a state of shock and promotes rapid healing, whether physical or moral. Love and calm will be reunited and tensions, if any, should ease and subside. The rose quartz stone is known to bring security, comfort and tenderness to its wearer. Ideal for children, this stone delivers a soft and maternal energy. If your child has trouble sleeping because he is too restless, you can place a rose quartz stone in his room, under his pillow or under his bedside table to help him find calm and serenity. Thanks to its vibrations, rose quartz helps reduce stress, anxiety and all the negative feelings that disturb your mind. By promoting inner peace, this stone makes social relationships more pleasant and more spontaneous. It makes it easier to open up to others and to be more attentive. If you tend to be suspicious due to emotional wounds from the past, rose quartz can help you open your heart and trust again. Rhodochrosite: This stone gives energy and good mood. an excellent anti-stress. It warms the heart and awakens in us a feeling of tenderness and love. It is also known to calm migraines.

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