Ankorstore /  Craft, Hobbies /  Créa Lign' - Jeux créatifs & éducatifs /  Pack "Artistes en herbe"
Pack "Artistes en herbe"
Créa Lign' - Jeux créatifs & éducatifs

“Budding Artists” Pack

The ideal pack for young artists! Find our best drawing and writing products with boxes suitable for all ages. This pack contains 32 boxes including: - 4 boxes of My First Pencils x6 - 4 boxes of My First Pencils x9 - 3 Magic Felt Boxes - 3 sets of finger inkers x6 - 4 boxes of My First Firm Tampons - 4 boxes of My First Savane Tampons - 4 boxes of gouache sticks - 4 Alphabet Box sets - 4 My First Brushes boxes - 4 My First Paintings boxes

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