Ankorstore /  Outdoor /  Ecodecs /  Terrario autosuficiente con fitonia - Terra
Terrario autosuficiente con fitonia - Terra

Self-sufficient terrarium with fitonia - Terra

The Terra is a self-sufficient ecosystem composed of several layers of natural sand and substrate, as well as Danish ball moss and two cuttings of different variants of phytonia, all cultivated to a quality level that ensures the stability of the ecosystem in the long term. Measurements: 11 x 5.5 cm. Approximate weight 200 gr. DESCRIPTION They are ideal for those who want to decorate a space with natural elements but do not want to have to take care of a plant, being able to neglect it for long periods of time. As in the ecosystems of our planet, within each terrarium there is a delicate balance of fauna and flora, a composition designed with the aim of ensuring said balance even over time. CARE LIGHT: Ecosystems should receive as much indirect light as possible. Avoiding direct exposure to the sun, which heats the product too much and can burn the plants. We recommend placing the terrarium in a well-lit room or near a window, but always avoiding direct light. WATER: Each ecosystem has its own water cycle, which is reused indefinitely, losing moisture very little by little through the cork, so we recommend a light irrigation of about 5ml once a month, although ecosystems take about 4 months to dry if left unattended, so don't worry and just enjoy your mini ecosystem. You can request a pyrography on the cork with the desired design for + €0.5 each.

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