Ankorstore /  Sweet /  Essenciagua /  Hydrolat Cyprès toujours vert (250 ml) | Bio, Artisanal, Made In France
Hydrolat Cyprès toujours vert (250 ml) | Bio, Artisanal, Made In France

Evergreen Cypress Hydrosol (250 ml) | Organic, Artisanal, Made In France

 <H2>Discover our evergreen Cypress Hydrolat</H2> <p><p>Essenciagua Evergreen Cypress Hydrolate, produced in Lozère, is a naturally powerful distillate from Cupressus Sempervirens. Native to northern Iran, Cyprus and Crete, Cypress is today widely distributed throughout the Mediterranean basin and is cultivated for ornamental purposes throughout Southern Europe. </p> <p>The anti-infectious properties of Cypress Hydrolate make it an ally against winter ailments, both in treatment and in diffusion. </p> <p>When applied to the skin, Ever Green Cypress Hydrolate is beneficial for reducing redness and inflammation. </p> <p>In addition, this hydrosol can be used to reduce physical fatigue when added to a glass of water. Its toning and mild diuretic properties make it useful for improving the appearance of the skin in cases of cellulite. </p></p> <H2>Top uses </H2> <p><strong>Cough</strong>: Using hydrosol in inhalation can help calm coughs due to its soothing properties for the respiratory tract. </p> <p><strong>Physical Fatigue</strong>: Drinking a glass of water with a few drops of Cypress hydrosol can help reduce physical fatigue thanks to its toning properties.</p>

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