Ankorstore /  Books /  JOURNAL DE NAISSANCE /  Le Grand Livre de ta Vie : un livre cadeau à compléter pour raconter son histoire et ses souvenirs.
Le Grand Livre de ta Vie : un livre cadeau à compléter pour raconter son histoire et ses souvenirs.

The Big Book of your Life: a gift book to complete to tell your story and your memories.

Discover The Big Book of your Life, an exceptional gift designed to tell, preserve and pass on the memories of your family! With its 100 carefully selected questions, this book will allow the recipient to dive back into the defining moments of his life: from childhood to passions, through career and family life. It also offers a dedicated space to insert the most precious photos of its "History". It's like writing your autobiography with ease and passing on, in writing, the small and big family stories to future generations. The Great Book of your Life is for all those who wish to share and pass on their memories with the necessary desire and time. This 100% original gift idea is suitable for a wide audience. Thanks to an optimized format and a support adapted to writing and conservation for the general public, writing is done directly in the book. Don't miss this opportunity to create a priceless heirloom and give The Great Book of Your Life a gift that will be treasured for years to come. The writing is done directly in the book, in a format and on a medium optimized for writing and conservation for the general public.

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