FER+ 100mg
Laboratoire EQUI-NUTRI

IRON + 100mg

Supply of iron from plant and mineral origin: contributes to blood formation LIST OF INGREDIENTS (for 1 capsule) Arthrospira platensis * powder (200 mg) - Moringa Oleifera L. * (117 mg) - Coating: Gel. vegetable (HPMC) - Iron Pidolate (14 mg) * Ingredient from organic farming INDICATIONS ›I have iron deficiencies (in combination with TAMARIS in Gemmotherapy) ›I am anemic (in combination with TAMARIS in Gemmotherapy) ›I want to improve the quality of my blood (better oxygenation of red blood cells) ›I want to strengthen my resistance to stress and infections (in combination with N ° 13 DOUCIBEL or N ° 06 IMMUBEL in Gemmotherapy) USAGE TIPS Oral route -1 to 2 gel / day. - end of meal Food supplement, To be used as part of a varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Keep out of the reach of children. PRECAUTIONS FOR USE In high doses, iron becomes pro-oxidant. Do not use in pregnant or breastfeeding women, or in children under 18 years old. CONSERVATION Hermetically closed bottle. Store away from light, heat and humidity. Dark PET (anti-UV) and sealed jar - 60 capsules. Cure of 30 days. Country of origin: Belgium INFO - PRODUCT: PIIDOLATES Pidolic acid or Pidolate as a supplement is particularly well indicated: it allows the mineral that it carries a rapidity of action, easy access into the cellular environment and almost complete assimilation. Pidolate is a naturally occurring amino acid, found in many plants, but also in mammals which are able to produce and use them. Being a constituent of our body, pidolate is involved in the development of bone and connective tissue. Interest and particularities of pidolic acid: • stable and non-toxic • of plant origin: in Equi-Nutri, pidolic acid is obtained from maceration of beet juice • natural • 100% bio-available • efficient for its speed of action: the mineral is absorbed from the duodenum • vector of penetration in the heart of our cells of the mineral: the pidolate has the capacity to cross not only the double membrane of the cell, but also the double layer of the membrane of the mitochondria • facilitates the digestive absorption of minerals and promotes their passage into the bloodstream • helps to fix minerals in all tissues: blood, bone, nervous, connective and fluids • participates in the Krebs cycle, cell energy production cycle (ATP) • the use of pidolates guarantees a desired and expected therapeutic effect with less dose

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