Laboratoire EQUI-NUTRI


LIST OF INGREDIENTS (for 10 drops) Water, Ethanol * 25% vol. from wheat, Vegetable glycerin from rapeseed (E422), Platanus orientalis * bud: 0.6ml > 12% Concentration in buds / Alc. 25% * Products from organic farming INDICATIONS - cutaneous action - re-pigmentation or renewal of the skin: indicated in cases of vitiligo, stretch marks, acne, psoriasis Moult, truth, visibility The plane tree * is indicated when an individual is undergoing a major mutation. He dares to show himself as he is without fear of remeurs when he tended not to be noticed, to go unnoticed or even to remain invisible. The plane tree * helps the individual to recognize himself as he is and to put himself in the light. USAGE TIPS On the physical level Adult: 5-10 drops / day, pure or diluted in a little spring water. Without food. Child: from 3 years old: 1 drop per year of age. From 10 years old: see adult On the emotional level: 3 drops / day, pure or diluted in a little spring water. Without food. Food supplement, do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Does not replace a varied and balanced diet, nor a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of the reach of children. The preparation may be cloudy, without affecting the quality. No prolonged use without medical advice.. PRECAUTIONS FOR USE Nihil. CONSERVATION Hermetically closed bottle. Store away from light, heat and humidity. 30ml dropper glass bottle. Cure of 30 days. Country of origin: Belgium

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