Ankorstore /  Books /  Les Grandes Personnes /  Livre Enfant - NATURE À COLORIER
Les Grandes Personnes

Children's Book - NATURE COLORING

The School of Decorative Arts in Strasbourg, part of the Haute École des Arts du Rhin (HEAR), wanted to publish an illustrative work which would be both a professional scenario for their students and a support for the promotion of their illustration workshop in the bookstore. To do this, it launched a call for projects among students, the winner of which, Laure Van der Haeghen, was designated by a jury made up of a representative of each of the partners, HEAR, the Museum of Hunting and Nature. , Stabilo and the Editions des Grandes Hommes. This book is the result of this call for projects: we discover 16 folded, cut and unbound pages, to be colored and assembled like a vast poster. Author: LAURE VAN DER HAEGHEN

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