Ankorstore /  Sweet /  Miellerie Gourmande /  Miel de Thym de Nouvelle-Zélande Pot de 250g - Un Remède Naturel et Délicieux pour Affronter l'Hiver en Toute Gourmandise!
Miel de Thym de Nouvelle-Zélande  Pot de 250g - Un Remède Naturel et Délicieux pour Affronter l'Hiver en Toute Gourmandise!
Miellerie Gourmande

New Zealand Thyme Honey 250g Jar - A Natural and Delicious Remedy to Face Winter with Delicacy!

Thyme produces an intense and aromatic honey. In addition to being a real gastronomic treat, it has been recognized for millennia as being one of the honeys with the most medicinal virtues.

 Scientific studies carried out in the laboratory have been able to highlight the indisputable benefits of thyme honey, particularly on wound healing. HASboth antiseptic and antibacterial, this honey is ideal for protecting you against many infections. An Authentic Harvest: Harvested from the vast wild thyme meadows of New Zealand, our Thyme Honey embodies the very essence of purity and quality. Each drop is a tribute to the unique biodiversity of this region, where bees forage for the exquisite nectar of thyme, creating an exceptionally rich and fragrant honey. Our thyme honey is distinguished by its fluid and non-creamy texture. We are proud to have not resorted to brewing, thus preserving its natural color. A Natural Shield: Popular for its exceptional properties, our Thyme Honey stands out for its role in strengthening the immune system. The antioxidants present in thyme provide a natural defense against external aggressions, thus promoting robust health all year round. Soothing and Comfort: Thyme Honey has long been recognized for its effectiveness in relieving coughs and sore throats. Antiviral and Antimicrobial Effect: The active compounds found in thyme give honey antiviral and antimicrobial properties. This can be especially beneficial for fighting common viral infections during the cold season. Anti-inflammatory action: Thyme honey has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation, relieving symptoms related to respiratory infections.    Harmonious Digestion: This golden nectar proves to be a valuable ally for improving digestion. The properties of thyme promote healthy digestion, soothing the stomach and creating a feeling of well-being after meals. Natural anti-inflammatory: The anti-inflammatory benefits of thyme present in our honey help reduce inflammation, thus supporting joint and muscle comfort. It's a natural option for those looking to soothe discomfort related to inflammation. Healing and Regeneration: Thyme Honey is also known for its healing properties. Applied topically, it can promote the healing of skin wounds and ulcers, providing natural relief. Vocal Harmony: The soothing qualities of Thyme Honey are not just limited to the throat. Its regular use can help improve voice quality, a blessing for speakers, singers and anyone looking to maintain voice health. In the kitchen : Add a touch of refinement to your snacks by combining our Thyme Honey with fresh fruit, yogurt or cheese. In the kitchen, explore the culinary world by integrating this honey into your marinades, vinaigrettes or desserts for exquisite flavors and unique benefits.    Gourmet pleasure and well-being merge in each spoonful of our New Zealand Thyme Honey. Enjoy an exquisite culinary experience while strengthening your health in a natural way. USER TIPS: Best consumed in the morning, for prevention, for its medicinal properties or at any time of the day.   Important Note: This honey is a real gift for the palate as well as for health; however, it is not suitable for people sensitive to bee products, nor for pregnant women or young children. It is essential to respect consumption recommendations to enjoy its benefits safely.

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