live holistically. Discover BEAUTIFUL. ALIVE believe. The journal for your whole beautiful life. We, that is Elena Schulte and Stennie, invite you to this book embark on a special journey where you will learn more about your life discover: about all the good and beautiful that is already there, about Things that you can organize and dreams that are still dormant in you. In 12 months you will discover more about topics like BELIEFS, VALUES, RELATIONSHIPS, HABITS OR CALL. You find find out where you are right now, and you may be excited by God Perspectives for your life. Brimming with inspiration and with beautifully designed pages, the book motivates you to Picking up a pen, jotting down your own thoughts... The time has finally come: Our joint book is here! * ISBN: 9783789398902 * Number of pages: 288 p. * Dimensions: 17 x 23.5 cm