Ankorstore /  Baby gear /  Studio Anne Bekkenutte /  Lemon barnsteen (12cm)
Lemon barnsteen (12cm)
Studio Anne Bekkenutte

Lemon amber (12cm)

Amber, also called Amber, provides a pain-relieving effect. For babies, amber / amber helps with teething. This is due to the succinic acid that is released by the heat of the skin. The Amber baby bracelets are knotted by hand. There is a button after each amber stone. Our bracelets are 12 centimeters in size, making them the smallest amber/amber bracelets/anklets available for babies. When in doubt about the size, cut a piece of string of 12 centimeters to fit your baby's wrist or ankle. Prevent unnecessary returns. The baby in the picture is almost 7 months old. If the bracelet is still too wide, it could also be used as an anklet. NB! Only let your little one wear the bracelet under supervision and take it off before going to sleep. The bracelet is not suitable for biting. Do you find it too exciting to put the bracelet on the wrist? Then you can also choose to put it around the ankle and put a sock over it. the younger you put it on, the sooner the child will get used to it. Discharging and charging the strap For optimal functioning of the Amber bracelet, it must be cared for. The energy that the stone gives off must be regularly replenished (charging the stone) and negative energy (the pain) that the stone has absorbed must be discharged (cleaning the stone). It is important to clean the bracelet at least once a week, because the bracelet has a medicinal effect. There are different methods of cleaning stones, for example; One method of cleaning the stone is to hold it under running water for at least five minutes. This can be done simply under the tap, but of course also in a stream or in the surf. You can then charge the bracelet by means of Moonlight By placing the stone in the moonlight for at least 1 night (this can be done behind glass), the natural energy of the stone is replenished. This is a very gentle and safe method of charging stones. Particularly suitable for this is of course full moonlight! Sunlight A stone can also be charged with sunlight. However, this light is much more intensive and not all stones can withstand this and can lose their color under the influence of (bright) sunlight. Try to avoid the light around noon when the sunlight is at its strongest. The light during sunrise or sunset is a lot softer. Advice to discharge and charge the bracelet before the first use.