Ankorstore /  Indoor Lighting /  Volani - Lighting Designs /  Marina Ceiling, 1 x 24W LED, 4000K, 1614lm, IP44, White Acrylic / VL08989
Marina Ceiling, 1 x 24W LED, 4000K, 1614lm, IP44, White Acrylic / VL08989
Volani - Lighting Designs

Marina Ceiling, 1 x 24W LED, 4000K, 1614lm, IP44, White Acrylic / VL08989

This range gives a magical and fascinating effect. The flush ceiling light was designed to be a central feature in the space and illuminate with a 4000K integral LED light. A specially created diffuser gives shimmering sparkle effect when illuminated adding ambience to any bathroom or area where an IP44 rating is required.

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