Ankorstore /  Personal care /  JARVIN CREW /  Pack Duo "Friends of the Forest" | Jo Bonobo + Roxana = Brosse à dents bambou enfant offerte
Pack Duo "Friends of the Forest" | Jo Bonobo + Roxana = Brosse à dents bambou enfant offerte

Duo Pack "Friends of the Forest" | Jo Bonobo + Roxana = Free children's bamboo toothbrush

SPECIAL PACK "FRIENDS OF THE FOREST": 1 Jo Bonobo book + 1 Roxana book = 1 "Jo Bonobo" biodegradable bamboo toothbrush offered (value of the toothbrush = 3.90 € TTC) JO BONOBO, PRISCA ORCA AND THEIR FRIENDS - THE CHILDREN'S BOOK COLLECTION THAT LEARNS TO LOVE THE PLANET WITH FUN! These books are printed in three languages: English, French and Spanish. Target audience: children aged 4-8, possibility to use the book with older children for learning foreign languages!

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