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Josette & Tic

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Minimum order €100

All brands in one minimum checkout of €300.00 and always shipping free

  • Since 2011
Instagram josettetic
At Josette, our vocation is to want to change the world. So, sometimes we take giant steps and sometimes ant steps. We do steps of 2, steps of bourrée, steps chased.

At times we trip over the carpet but we move forward. Today, at 10:34 a.m., St Malo time, we are here:

Our Josettes give the fishing (it is scientifically proven by all our customers). They are designed in organic cotton - guaranteed without harmful substances in the textile. They are designed in St Malo and produced in Portugal in a family workshop and they are seamless at the end of the feet (and with love inside) That's all that Josette & Tic.

We are not perfect but we will always try because we know that together we will change the world.
With small steps.
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Josette & Tic
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Josette & Tic
See the wholesale price
Josette & Tic
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