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Laqueprint, Montmartre- molens en moestuinen - Vincent van Gogh

Laqueprint, Montmartre Mills and Vegetable Gardens - Vincent van Gogh

lacquer print A Laqueprint is a new technique developed and produced in the Netherlands in which a very high-quality printed image is manually draped over sanded and brushed 100% PEFC certified scaffolding wood. Due to the manually lacquered high-gloss finish and the subtle running of the image over the edges™, the result is almost indistinguishable from a real painting. Title: Montmartre Mills and Vegetable Gardens Artist: Vincent van Gogh Year of manufacture Original approx.: 1887 Lacquer print No: LP198 Lacquer prints are not suitable for standing or hanging outside in the rain or full sun. Under a shelter is no problem.

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