Ankorstore /  Indoor Lighting /  Ledkia /  Ledkia Aplique de Pared Cristal Zashi Dorado
Ledkia Aplique de Pared Cristal Zashi Dorado

Ledkia Golden Zashi Crystal Wall Light

The Zashi Crystal Wall Light is the point of light that will give that subtle personal touch to the space where you place it. 

Its design allows you to place it in very varied environments such as classic, bohemian, vintage, etc. 

Features of the Zashi Crystal Wall Light This light is made of glass, with a rectangular shape, in silver and gold. 

This property makes the light dissipate evenly and relaxing for the eyes. 

The Light that this lamp emits will depend on the G9 bulb that we choose, being able to choose between a warm, neutral or cold environment. 

Uses 2 G9 Bulbs NOT INCLUDED in the product. Dimensions: 230x160x90mm

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