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Raw Gorilla

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Our story started in our founder’s own kitchen in Stoke Newington, London in 2015. Being both crazy about breakfast and raw food in general, Fraser set about creating a raw, vegan alternative to the sugary wheaty well know breakfast cereals. Inspired Adi Da Samraj the spiritual realiser and his book Green Gorilla, Fraser created a granola that was raw, gluten free and organic containing nothing refined, no additives or preservatives or colours.

Here at Raw Gorilla we believe eating organic wholesome raw food helps us to feel healthier, happier and will energise us throughout the day. That’s what life is all about after all…to feel bright, and to be alive and energised! There is not a sniff of anything refined or processed in Raw Gorilla products! All our ingredients are 100% raw, organic and full of activated wholesomeness. No gluten, no dairy, no grain, no nasties at all - we’ve made sure of that. Wholesome delicious products blended with amazing superfoods like raw cacao, lucuma and maca. Just like nature intended.
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