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Album Noël - La longue marche des doudous

Christmas album - The long walk of the cuddly toys

Album - From 3 years old “Albums 3/7 years” collection Author: Claire Clément / Illustrator: Geneviève Godbout There's Fanfan the elephant, Toutusé the teddy bear, Juju the turtle, Lapinou, who only has one leg left... and many more. Like every year, they met on Christmas Eve for a long walk to the land of Santa Claus... ------------------------------------- Who knows a child better than his cuddly toy? The favorite animal, the one we take everywhere and to whom we tell everything... So, every year, all the cuddly toys meet up to meet Santa Claus and tell him about the dreamed and ideal gift of their little proteges. During the long trip, the cuddly toys tell each other with great tenderness and humor their life as cuddly toys: Teddy bear, who spent his first day at school; Paf the giraffe, who was forgotten in a square... Through the stories of the cuddly toys and the confidences they make to Santa Claus, it is all the magic but also the little fears and worries specific to childhood that can be read. Each child will not fail to recognize himself and will no longer look at his cuddly toy in the same way after reading the text... A tale that skilfully mixes two fundamental figures in children's imaginations: Santa Claus and the comforter. A story of incredible tenderness, which mixes the marvelous and the everyday, a story in which all families will recognize themselves. Album with cardboard cover - From 3 years old

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