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Bee Mix Seedball Hanging Pack

Bee Mix Seedball Hanging Pack

Each hanging pack contains 12 seed balls, enough to cover 1 metre square in a garden bed or 3-5 medium sized pots (leave at least 10cm between each ball). Each seed ball contains approximately 30 seeds from a mix of Birdsfoot Trefoil, Foxglove, Red Clover, Viper’s Bugloss and Wild Marjoram – all recommended as bee-friendly plants by the Bumblebee Conservation Trust. We’ve also added a sprinkling of pollinator-friendly annuals Chamomile, Cornflower, Corn marigold, and Night-flowering catchfly. Best scattered in Spring or Autumn. A mix of native wildflowers that bees will just love! This carefully selected mix is designed specifically to attract solitary bees, honey bees and bumblebees. We make the seed balls ourselves from our HQ in North London - from a mixture of UK native wildflower seeds, clay, peat-free compost and chilli powder. The outer clay protects the seeds from ants, birds and mice, and once sufficient water has permeated the clay, the seeds inside begin to germinate - helped along by the nutrients and minerals contained within the ball. The chilli powder continues to deter slugs and snails while the seed ball slowly degrades and the seeds sprout. All wildflowers are listed by the RHS as 'Plants for Pollinators'.

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