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Farina di Ceci Biologici - 1000gr
L'oro in bocca

Organic chickpea flour - 1000gr

General informations Chickpeas are healthy legumes with a very ancient history. The first wild species of chickpeas probably originated in Turkey while as regards the cultivation of chickpeas, the first testimonies concern the Bronze Age and the Iraq area. We know that chickpeas were a food already widespread in the ancient world among the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians. In the world production of legumes, chickpeas are in third place, after soybeans and beans. We know chickpeas mostly for their protein content and their delicate flavor that goes well with many dishes. The most common ice cubes are light in color and an excellent wholemeal flour is also obtained from these, much healthier and more nutritious than common white flour. Like other legumes, if grown in compliance with crop rotation rules, they may not require the use of mineral fertilizers and phytochemical products, thus making them particularly suitable for organic farming. Nutritional values   Chickpeas are an excellent protein source among vegetable proteins. The flour obtained from it is therefore rich in proteins, fibers and carbohydrates: in fact, 100 g of chickpea flour hide more than a third of proteins and fibres. 6% of its composition is made up of fats, good fats however, with a high nutritional content, such as linoleic acid, a perfect ally for heart health. Unlike wheat flour, chickpea flour is also rich in vitamins and mineral salts useful for the proper functioning of our body: vitamins of group B, A, E and C; and then magnesium, calcium, potassium and phosphorus, able to help us with high blood pressure, muscle fatigue and strengthen the brain and bones. Legumes are known to help our digestive system with their fibers; but also, having a low glycemic index, it is suitable for those suffering from diabetes and hypercholesterolemia, for those on a diet, and for people with celiac disease, because it does not contain gluten! Cultivation areas Chickpeas are legumes grown in several regions of central and southern Italy. Particularly suitable for hot and dry climates, its cultivation is less widespread in northern Italy. Conservation and c   The product must be stored in a cool, dry place and in this case it maintains its nutritional characteristics and taste for up to 18 months. Chickpea flour offers the possibility of making an extremely wide range of recipes. Particularly used in Central Italy, in the creation of exquisite bakery products. Excellent for preparing bread, biscuits, wraps, crepes, fresh pasta and delicious tarts; Chickpea flour is also excellent as a thickener, for example in velvety soups or vegan burgers, and as a substitute for breadcrumbs in making potato gateaux or meatballs. The traditional Ligurian flour and its Tuscan versions are a very simple and tasty dish, suitable for variations even with fish. What not everyone knows is that thanks to substances called saponins, chickpea flour is also an excellent ally for cleansing and body care. To obtain creams, masks and bubble baths, all you have to do is mix the chickpea flour with warm water; add a few drops of your favorite essential oil and you will immediately get a natural and very cheap bubble bath What if you want one instead? Just add some cane sugar, to mimic the exfoliating action; while with warm water, chickpea flour and turmeric, you will get an excellent anti-aging treatment, thousands of years old

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