Ankorstore /  Savoury /  L'oro in bocca /  Semolino di Grano Tenero Verna Bio - 400gr
Semolino di Grano Tenero Verna Bio - 400gr
L'oro in bocca

Verna Organic Soft Wheat Semolina - 400gr

General informations Verna is an ancient variety of wheat of Tuscan origin, currently widespread in Valdichiana and Val d'Orcia. Its name derives from Mount Verna in Casentino, where it was grown in the past by the Casentino friars. Much appreciated in the past for its very rustic characteristics, it was then forgotten for many years, because it was decidedly less productive than modern varieties. It was patented in 1953, thanks to the experience of Prof. Marino Gasparini, then Director of the Agronomy Institute of the Agricultural University of Florence. Concretely, it arises from the cross between two other varieties of wheat from the Tuscan Sementi Authority, Est Mottin 72″ wheat and Mont Calme, to prevent farmers from abandoning cultivation in mountainous areas. Soft wheat has always been cultivated in the hills of central Italy, but progressively, since the beginning of the last century, it has undergone a genetic evolution that has changed its primordial characteristics. The results of the studies have led to a strengthening of the plant, making it more resistant, both to atmospheric agents and to diseases, phenomena which originally affected the yield of the crop per hectare. Nutritional values Semolina is a product that belongs to the III fundamental group of foods; in the diet, it acts as a nutritional source of starch (therefore of energy), fibers and certain specific vitamins and minerals. Semolina has a high energy content but, being a dry food, it absorbs a significant amount of water during cooking, which increases both its mass and volume. The calories come above all from the high percentage of complex carbohydrates, while simple sugars are of little importance; followed by a modest amount of protein (medium biological value) and an insignificant amount of fat. The fibers are present in excellent quantities and cholesterol is absent. With regard to mineral salts, there are good concentrations of phosphoropotassium; the iron is also discreet (albeit not very bioavailable). As far as vitamins are concerned, the B1PP values are appreciable. Semolina is a food that lends itself to most diets; due to the high carbohydrate content it must be taken in adequate quantities by those suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertriglyceridemia. Due to the high calorie content, the portion of semolina needs to be adjusted even in the case of overweight. Wheat semolina contains gluten and is not suitable for the celiac diet. It is lactose-free and is accepted by the vegan philosophy. Verna soft wheat semolina can be used successfully in the diet of children, thanks to its flavor characteristics and the richness of its nutrients. Cultivation areas Spelled is grown in various parts of the world and has obtained the Typical Geographical Indication in an area of the Provence Alps, where it is actively cultivated. In Italy it is grown in various regions. Given the lower yield, it obviously has a higher price than wheat, let's say "industrial". Conservation and c The dry product must be stored in a cool, dry place and in this case it will maintain its nutritional and taste characteristics for a period of 12 months. It retains all the characteristics and nutritional qualities of Verna soft wheat and is very suitable for traditional soups, semolina gnocchi, spelled polenta, rustic pizzas and other cakes. Do not soak.