

Our cocoa tea is a special tea that is appreciated by many tea lovers. 

This Rooibos tea is refined with cocoa nibs and natural cocoa-bitter almond flavor and has a unique taste of real cocoa.The cocoa bean tree from which cocoa is extracted originally comes from the Amazon region in South America. 

The history of cocoa goes back to the ancient civilizations of the Maya and Aztecs, where it was revered as a sacred fruit. 

At that time, cocoa was drunk to bring blessings and health. 

There is evidence that the Mayans and Aztecs also used cacao as a means of strengthening fighters in their armies.While the use of cocoa as medicine slowly disappeared during ancient times, the use of cocoa as a luxury food remained. 

The consumption of chocolate and cocoa has been practiced for centuries in all parts of the world.Our cocoa tea is one of the natural and healthy ways to enjoy cocoa. 

Although it is a tea, this cocoa tea has a unique taste of real cocoa that tantalizes the taste buds.While the cocoa aroma makes the tea special, the rooibos tea itself is also a valuable drink. 

Rooibos tea is derived from the Aspalathus Linearis plant, also known as “red tea” or “rooibos tea.”Rooibos tea is a popular drink and was originally used by the South African Khoi-Khoi and San tribes. 

Rooibos tea has antioxidant properties and is known for its relaxing effects and ability to improve sleep. 

However, unlike black or green tea, rooibos does not contain caffeine or theine, making it a great choice for people who want to stay caffeine-free.Our cocoa tea is certified ORGANIC, meaning no chemicals or synthetic pesticides were used during cultivation and production. 

The tea is packaged in northern Germany in our Gräfenhof tea factory, where it is processed by hand.In addition to its taste and organic certification, our cocoa tea is also a nutritional package due to its ingredients. 

Cocoa beans are rich in antioxidants and minerals and also contain natural stimulants that can stimulate the brain and central nervous system.Carob, another ingredient in our tea, is also known for its health benefits. 

Carob contains natural antioxidants, fiber and vitamins.Overall, our cocoa tea is a delicious and healthy choice for anyone who loves cocoa, rooibos tea and organic products. 

Whether as a pleasure drink or as part of a healthy lifestyle, our cocoa tea is a great choice for all tea lovers.

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