Crema Mediterranea, 180g

Mediterranean Cream, 180g

From the love for our land, Crema Mediterranea is born, with an intense and enveloping flavour. Delicate fresh basil, harvested in the fields of the Crati Valley, dried tomatoes and pistachios crushed in olive oil. A very versatile cream in the kitchen and easy to use. Uses in the kitchen Excellent for seasoning toasted bruschetta, this cream can also be used to fill savory dough, omelette rolls and focaccia. Tasty for filling sandwiches or seasoning a pizza with a gourmet touch (it is recommended to spread it in the last 5 minutes of cooking). Also ideal for making original pasta dishes, simply heating it in a pan with a few tablespoons of cooking water. A delicious novelty that cannot be missing from a gourmet's pantry. Ingredients: Basil pesto (basil 70%, sunflower seed oil 25%, salt 0.5%), dried tomatoes, olive oil, chopped pistachios, salt, wine vinegar. Acidifier: Citric acid. Allergens: sulfur dioxide and sulphites, nuts. Storage methods: - Keep away from direct sunlight and heat sources. - After opening, cover the product with oil and store in the fridge. - Pasteurized product Each glass jar weighs 180 grams