Ankorstore /  Savoury /  Des pâtes briardes épi c'est tout /  Macaroni complète vrac au kg
Macaroni complète vrac au kg
Des pâtes briardes épi c'est tout

Whole macaroni in bulk per kg

This iconic form of pasta is made with wholemeal flour. To obtain this flour, we add the white remoulage. During the milling of wheat, the hulls of the grains are separated by sieving and are then crushed, which gives this remoulding, rich in starch. We then obtain a paste rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins. Its brown color is also given by the bran. Ingredients : Soft wheat flour (allergen) Preparation and cooking tips: Boil a large volume of salted water, when boiling add the pasta and keep boiling for the time indicated on the package. At the end of cooking, drain the pasta then quickly add the fat or sauce of your choice. For cold salads, drain the pasta and run it under cold water to stop the cooking. After this step, season them as you wish. Cooking time: 8 - 11 minutes