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Le Chibre Bleu

Ships orders within 3 to 5 days

All brands in one minimum checkout of €300.00 and always shipping free

  • Since 2020
Instagram chibrebleu
Chibre Bleu... the student project that went wrong!

Cock! yes yes you read correctly and that's what you think =) You are laughing behind your screen, so imagine the reaction of your customers when they see our bottle of blue penis in your store! Attractive, no?

But concretely, what is the Blue Chibre? It is a carbonated drink with natural flavors of lemon and cherry, to drink chilled or in cocktails.
This sweet beverage was originally a joke between friends during a student aperitif which has become a real project thanks to the enthusiasm it has generated among our friends and student associations in our region.

But then why Chibre? My only answer: and why not? More seriously (or not) it is a delirium between friends that we have with this word.

An offbeat and collaborative project with a mascot named Chibrax (choice determined by our 17,000 followers on Instagram)

Our goal is to enlarge the whole of France. We now have around fifty stores (Super U, Auchan, Leclerc, but also local traders)

So what are you waiting for order and help us to enthrall France!
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Coming soon Interested in the Le Chibre Bleu brand?
We will let you know as soon as the products are online