Ankorstore /  Herbs, Spices & Seasonings /  ORANESSENCE /  Galanga en poudre
Galanga en poudre

Galangal powder

Like ginger, galangal is a rhizome native to Asia. It has both a flavor similar to that of ginger but with a more subtle spiciness and a sweet scent of Ceylon cinnamon. In Europe, it remains little known. It is mainly used a lot in Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia, especially to spice up traditional soups. How to use it ? Galangal is not easily found in its fresh form; the roots are usually dried. We prefer to use it in powder for its finesse and ease of use. In cooking, it is often associated with lemongrass, cilantro, garlic and chili. These are the essential spices to give a Thai flavor to your dishes. Obviously, galangal is part of the composition of many of our blends made in our workshop in Normandy, including: our green curry and our Thai red curry. How to combine it in the kitchen? Indispensable in Thai soups, galangal also perfumes sautéed vegetables, prawns, scallops, chicken and beef. In traditional dishes, it is often associated with coconut milk. It can also be used in marinade (meat, shrimp ...) and replace ginger in baking. What are its properties? Galangal acts against nausea and vomiting. It has anti-tumor activity and it is a chemoprotector. It is anti-inflammatory and we recognize an antiviral virtue. Galangal has an analgesic effect on rheumatic and dental pain.