Les Petits Potins


It is true, if you do not know the candied garlic, you can be afraid, I agree ... It is a matter of removing its strength from it, and of keeping only the structure, the substrate. The lamb's lettuce. As with plain dumplings, candied garlic will take on the taste of what we add to it, allowing us to develop a range unique in Europe (and yes, and that is Frenchie!), Without the taste of it. 'garlic. A sweet and savory spread, very soft, very little pepper, highlighting a production of French kumquats (Le Mas de l'Arbre, Toulouges-PO), its simple jam in addition, subtle, very slightly spicy. Personally, a good ally of a cup of very fresh "bubbles", discreetly ... Garlic mousse confit with Roussillon kumquats. / 14 + 1 tasting jar / break