Farina d’Orzo
Azienda Agricola Riboli Rest of Europe

Barley flour

Rough-tasting flour: mixed with wheat flour, it is ideal for making pasta. Used alone, it is perfect for cakes and biscuits. Barley flour is obtained from the processing and grinding of hulled barley: it is a cereal rich in proteins, fibres, mineral salts (calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, silicon and zinc) and vitamins (A1, B1, B2, B3,E). Barley has antidiarrheal, emollient, remineralizing, diuretic and refreshing properties and is also able to relax the intestinal walls, promoting good transit. Our barley flour, being rich in fiber, has laxative and stimulating properties. It also acts on the immune system thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. Together with oats, it is one of the cereals with the lowest glycemic index.